Book your Backyard Sauna Club experience solo, or with friends, or sign up for our monthly membership which includes daily access.

Discover the Power of Contrast Hydrotherapy: Elevate Your Wellness with Our Ice Bath and Electric Barrel Sauna Bundle!

Ice Bath and Electric Barrel Sauna Bundle


$30 / one hour / one person

$45 / one hour / two people —$22.50 per person—

$60 / one hour / three people —$20 per person—

$70 / one hour / four people —$17.50 per person—

Monthly Membership:

Unlimited Daily Use

For anyone who plans to enjoy this health treatment more than once a week, the Membership option is the way to go. Enjoy unlimited daily access up to one hour a day, or two hours a day which can be split (mornings and evenings) for couples with opposing schedules.

$198 / month / solo

$298 / month / couple

Experience the remarkable synergy of hot and cold therapy, scientifically proven to optimize health, performance, and vitality. Research suggests that alternating between extreme temperatures stimulates circulation, reduces inflammation, and promotes healing on a cellular level. Our bundle empowers you to effortlessly transition between the chilling depths of an ice bath and the enveloping warmth of an electric barrel sauna, unlocking a myriad of benefits for the health of your body and mind.
Every day more research emerges on the health benefits of hot and cold therapy.

Some current known benefits include:

  • reduced inflammation

  • improved metabolism

  • balanced hormones

  • reduced pain

  • boosted blood flow

  • cardiovascular health

  • glucose metabolism

  • improved immunity

  • soothed stiff joints

  • improved sleep

  • lowered blood pressure.

  • increasing insulin sensitivity

  • AND improved brain health

  • triggered the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which improved mood, energy levels, and cognitive function.

Electric Barrel Sauna

$22 for one private hour

Enjoy a private sauna experience, no chatter, no distractions, just you

Please find Group sessions under the “Services,” tab of your MindBody portal

Book a session with your specific friends or partner.

Group with Friends

$40 for one hour for two people ($20 per person)

$54 for one hour for three people ($18 per person)

$64 for one hour for four people ($16 per person)

Individual: $128 a month for daily access up to one hour a day

Couple: $178 a month for daily access up to two hours a day

Please find Memberships under “Contracts,” in your MindBody portal.

Ice Bath

Enjoy an immersive 30-minute cold plunge experience solo or with friends. Available May through September.


$15 / solo

$20 / two people

$25 / three people

$30 / four people